· Nunes is sounding increasingly breathless during his extraordinary introductions. I think he may have to climb a few flights of stairs to reach his mic.
· Nunes is sounding increasingly like a bad comic creation from a past era of humour. His intonation is actually getting worse over time. It seems his tic of putting the stress on the wrong word and pausing in the middle of words has become the normal rather than an occasional flaw. Last night's intro to the 6.30 comedy was most perplexing.
· Because of Nunes I had to buy a sea areas tea towel to go with the shipping forecast
· I don't mind the aspirants, which are simply an accent thing; it's the stumbling over words, bizarre pauses, mispronunciations and inappropriate stresses which get me. I think Nunes must have gone to the same voice coach as Robert Peston.
· Nunes was doing the shi-hipping br-hoadcast the h-other ni-hight. H-it ta-hakes him tw-hice has l-hong has hanyohne helse.
Mainly because h-of th-he hin-crea-hising haspir-hations. I give you Sh-het-la-hand.
Mainly because h-of th-he hin-crea-hising haspir-hations. I give you Sh-het-la-hand.
· Are you sure that hhaspirhations are part of the Carib haccent?
I didn't notice it when I was in Jamaica and my son-in-law do-hosent sp-heak like that.
I took them to be part of his pro-hoblem.
I didn't notice it when I was in Jamaica and my son-in-law do-hosent sp-heak like that.
I took them to be part of his pro-hoblem.
· That must be it - or the elocution establishment that churns out weather presenters.
She-het la-hand is quite an accomplishment. Are you sure it wasn't She-het la-hand-a, though?
She-het la-hand is quite an accomplishment. Are you sure it wasn't She-het la-hand-a, though?
· Must be the Michael Foot School of Incorrect Emphasis
· I wasn't sure which of the announcers Mr Nunes is, but I have worked it out from your descriptions - wonderful!
When I hear him do the shipping forecast it sounds like a growly bear has eaten the real presenter and grabbed the microphone and is just about to scoff that, too. The way he says 'squally showers' (squaarlie shuuuuzzzzz) is brilliant!
When I hear him do the shipping forecast it sounds like a growly bear has eaten the real presenter and grabbed the microphone and is just about to scoff that, too. The way he says 'squally showers' (squaarlie shuuuuzzzzz) is brilliant!
· Being on board ship tuning in when Nunes is at the mic can be no bluddy fun at all.
· I think of fearful faces under sou'westers turning back to port. I heart it when he does the shipping forecast. Makes me feel very safe all tucked up and with my illustrated book of chorus girls
· Fearful faeces just about sums it up
- Nunes ritually butchers the bluddy shipping forecast. I am constantly amazed that there has not been a sand bank named after him for the number of ships run aground because of his truly appalling renditions.
- Ah, the mystery of HMS Astute is revealed in all its Nunsian glory.
If that doesn't get him the sack nothing will. - I suppose the Sound of Nunes could separate Skye from the mainland and myself from reason